Wednesday 23 October 2013

    “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
                                                                   -Franklin Roosevelt 
    The worst way to look at the future is looking towards it through the window pane of fear. The fear of failing is the greatest enemy of success. Most often time we prefer to stick to the status quo than daring to do something new. This is often the reason why the people at the top of the ladder of success are often few, it’s the bottom of the ladder that’s often crowded.
      I’d rather be a fool and then succeed than succeed successfully at being a fool forever by not trying, the words of Beverly sills keeps echoing to my ears that ‘you may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try’
     The other day I was chatting with this girl, who demanded that I coach her on starting her business, or I say MINDING HER BUSINESS, well we got to a turning point when she told me she was shy of starting her business, her reason being that she gave in into people’s skepticism of her idea, but I did straighten up her thinking immediately, by referring her to Mary Kay Ash and other success stories, but the point is people are often scared, this fear of failure, the nagging insecurity that we won’t succeed, and I think the greatest thing that fear does is to demolish your creativity, leaving you often impotent to perform.
      Skeptics are bound to exist when something new will exist, critics will arise, and I’ve always defined a critic as someone who doesn’t know the triumph of achievement nor has ever tried to do something new, nor will he ever know what victory or defeat is….but criticize the trial of a determined man or a doer of something.
              “Who told you it couldn’t be done? And what great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to use the word ‘impossible’ so freely? ”
If you are going to succeed in life, you’ve got to adopt the possibility mentality. Napoleon Bonaparte is credited to have said “the word impossible is not in my dictionary”. That’s a lot of courage to succeed.
And the irony about the word impossible according to Mark 9:23 is that they end up being possible to him that believes: Jesus said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
      We live in a world were speculation doesn’t cease, neither does information, but also people tend to live on the information that is given or transmitted to them, that’s why it is of great failure when our so called experts in their fields send out the wrong information.
Let’s check out some famous discouraging words
-“I think there is only a world market for about five computers”
                                                   -Thomas Watson, chairman IBM, 1943
What was he thinking?
As it stands there more than five computers in the world
-“There is no reason for any individual to have computer in their home”
-Ken Olsen, President of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977
What was he thinking?
As it stands there are thousands reasons to have a computer in our homes
-“It is an idle dream to imagine that automobile will take the place of railways in long-distance movement of passengers”
                                           -America Road Congress, 1913
What were they thinking?
As it stands it isn’t just a dream but a reality.
-“the phonograph is of no commercial value”
-Thomas Edison, remarks on his own invention in 1880
What was he thinking?
I think we could ask our entertainment industry.
-“this telephone has too many shortcomings to be considered as a means of communication”
                                         -WESTERN UNION, 1876
What were they thinking?
The world would have needed one today.
-“heavier than air flying machines are impossible”
                                          -Lord Kelvin, President, Royal society, 1895
What was he thinking?
He must have lost his mind, with such words.
-“everything that can be invented has been invented”
                                           -Commissioner, U.S. office of patent, 1899
What was he thinking?
He was obviously wrong, since 1899 till now, about thousand of inventions and discoveries have been made, and many are yet to be discovered.

      It’s true that people would still speculate their ignorance, don’t give in to them. Take your stand and eliminate your fears. You will succeed if you don’t listen to the expert ignoramus.

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